Katie Steinle is a quantum biofeedback therapist who assists individuals in managing various physical and mental health conditions, including trauma. Everything is in a natural state of vibration, and when frequency can be measured, it can be identified and shifted. The biofeedback system utilized, converts sound information into a specially generated and custom-tailored algorithm, which uses tonal frequencies designed to create harmony in your energy field and reduce stress disturbances in the body. The custom balancing frequencies are then administered allowing you to achieve the following results: Stress reduction, improved energy levels, address pain and imbalances in the body, identify sensitivities, and promote relaxation. Katie also offers qigong, a system of coordinated body-posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for the purposes of health, spirituality, and martial arts training. Pronounced “chi gong,” qigong is an internal process that has external movements. Qi means “life force,” the energy that powers our body and spirit. Gong is the term meaning work or gather. Qigong together means a form of movement using intention and mindfulness to guide the qi to work.